Dating Apps Profile Tips

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As the editor of a dating magazine, I see a lot of dating tips from a lot of different sources. Whether it’s experts in psychology and relationships, dating coaches, a bartender, best-selling authors, or someone’s best friend, some of the best dating and relationship advice comes from the most unlikely of places. But sometimes, it helps to got to the most likely place too… In this case, straight to the source. If you’re looking for some good online dating tips for men, why not ask other women who are online dating what tips they would give you?

To help out we surveyed over 3,000 women on the online dating site and app Zoosk and asked what their top online dating tips for men are. What we got was some great insight and some short, but sweet tips men can start using right away.


I’ve guided countless singles through apps and worked with them to create profiles that will actually attract attention from prospective partners. Here are my online dating profile tips that. Read this article for a breakdown on how to write a winning online dating profile in 60 minutes or less. But for the time being, here are 4 key tips to make your online dating profile more attractive: Don’t just list adjectives and personality traits. Tell stories that illustrate those qualities instead. Use proper grammar and spelling. Looking to date during the pandemic, relationship expert Dr. Jenn Mann shares her tips for creating the perfect dating profile, plus how to go about finding a meaningful connection on the dating apps. Dating experts reveal 9 small things you can change on your dating app profile to get more dates. Sharon Feiereisen. 2019-09-18T18:08:00Z The letter F. It indicates the ability to.

Here are their 33 online dating tips for men:

1. “Be honest from the beginning! Kindness truly is hot, so if you’re trying to impress a woman, that’s an excellent place to start.”

2. “Don’t just say hi, personalize your message at least a little. You don’t have to write a novel, but a couple of sentences so that I know you’re aren’t just fishing helps a lot.”

3. “When you take a picture for your profile, make sure we can see your eyes.”

4. “Like, winks, etc. are how women give you the signal to message them.”

5. “If you’re chatting with me and we have a lot in common and you like me, let me know. I want to move forward to see if we should meet.”

6. “Don’t use the word drama in your profile. Life is full of ups and downs—that’s what gives life color and depth. Using that word makes the assumption that women are the only ones that are involved in drama.”

7. “Smile! (I’m always amazed at how many men have pictures of them frowning or not smiling.)”

8. “With online dating, you need to find the right balance between chatting online and having real-life experiences. If you go too long chatting, you can turn into a pen pal.”

9. “Have a good, recent photo. Don’t have pictures of your cars or other trophies and don’t crop out former significant others and leave behind a hand on your shoulder.”

10. “Don’t limit yourself to finding true love in a 5 mile radius. Your soulmate may live further away than that.”

11. “Say something! Don’t keep sending hearts or smiley faces.”

12. “When approaching a woman, don’t start out with a compliment on her physical appearance, or just say hi or hey. Comment on something in her picture, but not her looks, or comment on something in her profile that caught your eye.”

13. “You aren’t trying to impress another man, you’re trying to impress a woman, which means, you might have to show a softer side. A slimy fish photo might not be the best thing to use in your profile.”

14. “Don’t start out by calling a woman sweetie or beautiful. Until you get to know someone that comes off as just another line.”

15. “Start a general conversation and go from there.”

16. “Don’t talk too much about yourself at first. Ask about her.”

17. “Be kind, be understanding, and above all be yourself.”

18. “Always end your conversations with a question to show you’re interested and want to continue talking.”


Dating Profile Tips For Women

19. “Be strong and confident enough to know what you want and go for it.”

20. “Don’t text or email excessively. Exchange a few messages then ask about meeting. Coffee or a drink is best.”

21. “Asking for more photos is a turn off. Don’t do it.”

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22. “Get to know her, and what she likes and dislikes. You want to build a friendship with her that builds up your relationship.”

23. “Make the first move by saying something fun and/or interesting.”

24. “Women are just as nervous and scared as men. Just talk to us like you would anyone else.”

25. “Take good pictures, ask me questions to get to know me better, make me laugh, and be open.”

26. “Never walk away from a conversation even if it’s online. Just tell her you have to go and talk later.”

27. “Be yourself from the very beginning. When you try to impress someone, your true self gets lost and that might be what the other person really wants.”

28. “Don’t be afraid to tell a woman how you really feel about something. There is nothing wrong with having an opinion and she will appreciate the honesty.”

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29. “Give her a second chance if she’s shy.”

30. “Talk and chat like you’re hanging out with a friend at first.”

31. “Don’t look at a woman’s dating profile a million times and say nothing. Even hi is good if you’re at a loss for what to say.”

32. “Consider someone you might not usually be attracted to.”

33. “Approach online dating with an open heart. Everyone is a new person.”

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Figuring out how to choose the best pictures for your dating profile is easier said than done. Whether you're selfie-obsessed and simply have too many to choose from, or you're camera shy and seriously dreading taking some dating profile-friendly photos — it can be quite the process if you're serious about putting your best face forward online. (Which, btw, you should be: it's not a secret that, when it comes to dating apps, people tend to swipe first and ask questions later.)

But like any true Millennial knows, all problems are Google-able, and this time it's relationship-focused dating app Hinge coming to the rescue. Hinge released a Profile Picture Report that reveals exactly which kinds of pictures will be a guaranteed hit (or miss) on dating profiles. Hinge data scientists assigned 35 unique photo tags (like: hair up versus hair down) to a random sampling of a thousand photos, then they analyzed how often the photos were liked by other users.

“Since Hinge profiles are designed to show off our Members’ personalities, we want to help them put their best foot forward with their photos,” Hinge spokesperson Jean-Marie McGrath tells Bustle. “Now we can tell them which photos they should share and which they should probably keep to themselves.”

So if you're unsure whether certain pictures will help (or hinder) your online dating game and need a little push in the right direction, look no further. Here's how to pick the best photos for your dating profile — because first impressions do matter.

Get Sporty

If you're normally not the sporty type, no need to fake it but, according to the Hinge data, photos of people participating in sports performed 75 percent better than the average photo.

Enjoy A Night Out

Photos of people having fun on a night out with friends got 74 percent more likes than the average picture, Hinge found. Bonus: now you and your friends have an even better excuse to snap a million hot Instas when you go out together.

Show Your Smile

Hinge found that showing your smile in photos makes them 23 percent more likely to be liked, so stop hiding your pearly whites (especially if your parents shelled out tons of cash for orthodontia).

Try A Black & White Filter

Even though Hinge found that only three percent of users' photos were black and white, those that were were 106 times more likely to receive a like than photos in color. Maybe it's time to get old-fashioned with our dating profiles?

Get Candid

Although 80 percent of Hinge users' shots were posed, the data reveals that candid photos are 15 percent more likely to receive a like. Either way, it can't hurt to throw in a cute candid among the posed photos and see if it improves your dating life.

But Do Not...


On the flip side, the absolute no-no's of dating profile pictures were: wearing sunglasses, using Snapchat filters (you're not a dog, sorry), posing with a possible S.O., beach photos, and selfies — particularly bathroom selfies... seriously guys?

Wear Your Hair Up

If you love ponytails or top knots, you're in luck: photos of women with their hair up were 27 percent more likely to get a like than their hair-down counterparts.

Smile With Teeth

No need to be afraid of cheesin' — pictures of women smiling with their teeth on full display were 76 percent more likely to get liked by other users.

Look Away From The Camera

I guess not everyone is into the direct eye contact thing, because photos where women were looking away from the camera were 74 percent more likely to receive a like. Hey, whatever works, right?

Stand Alone

Let's be honest: there's nothing more annoying than trying to pick someone out of a group photo on a dating app profile. Apparently Hinge users agree, because photos where women were standing along were 69 percent more likely to receive a like.

Smile Without Teeth

Even though photos of ladies baring their chompers do better on Hinge, for men, the opposite is true. Soft smiles must be officially 'in,' because photos of guys smiling with their teeth out of sight were 43 percent more likely to get liked.

Look Ahead

Making eye contact with the camera lens is the best move for guys: photos of men looking ahead were 102 percent more likely to get a like.

Stand Alone

At last, something we can all agree on: being alone in your main profile photo is the way to go. Men were 11 percent more likely to receive a like if they were standing on their own in their photo.

Whether you're taking a break from your dating apps for Bustle's App-less April or going full steam ahead with your online dating, it's always helpful to have a guide on what pictures are most effective. It never hurts to get out of your comfort zone, change things up, and await the results.